3. Judy Drew
Seated Woman in Reflective Blues
Pastel on black textured colourful paper
52 x 29 cm
Relative Size: Seated Woman in Reflective Blues
Relative size

I first saw Judy Drew's work at Melbourne Fine Arts and never forgot it. In 2020 we were delighted to welcome her to our family of represented artists. Judy Drew has made a life long study of works in pastel by the Post Impressionists, in particular Degas, of which she says; Degas' portraiture with its delicate line work, tendency towards understatement and often spare use of colour appealed to me

Judy Drew's images are infused with a sensibility towards form. She embraces and elevates the medium of pastel creating insightful and intimate portrayals of her subjects ranging from figurative studies to still life; I usually chose to create the setting around the model. I find that this is when the magic starts … magic indeed, mastery of sfumato and an unerring eye for the decorative

When discussing her latest work Seated Woman in Reflective Blues, Judy Drew says:

Capturing the reflections within the fabric was what attracted me and capturing the intensity and subtle variations within the blue patterns was an added challenge. The intensity of the colour scheme reflects the mood of the sitter.