Contemporary Elegance - Paul Coney Tue, 15 Feb 2011

Albert Park Fountain - Oil on canvas  122 x 173 cm
Albert Park Fountain - Oil on canvas 122 x 173 cm

This major masterpiece by Auckland based artist Paul Coney is the embodiment of floral elegance. Flimsy, silver-white irises contrast pleasingly with the dark satin petals of crimson Tulips.

Coney's choice of the Albert Park fountain provides an elaborate backdrop. This fountain, commissioned from the Scottish foundry James Allan & Son, Glasgow has graced the central Auckland park since 1882. The distinctive metal railings and street lanterns which line Quay Street Wharf were manufactured by the same company.

The fountain is a classical Victorian design depicting four waterbabies riding fish and sea-serpents.The nymph Egeria, stands at the top of the fountain. A similar structure stands in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Available works by Paul Coney

Paul Coney at work
Paul Coney at work