238. John Douglas Perrett
Lake Sunset
25.5 x 40.5 cm
est. $400 - 600
Fetched $300
Relative Size: Lake Sunset
Relative size

LATE ENTRY: This work does not feature in the catalogue. It will be sold as Lot 121a.

Provenance: Purchased by current owner, International Art Centre, 1982

Perrett, John Douglas 1859-1937

Prolific painter of landscapes in oil and in pastel. Born near Glasgow, Scotland: studied at the Glasgow School of Art. Arrived Dunedin c.1886; listed as Dunedin artist 1888-89 Stone's Directory. In 1894, with G P Nerli and L. W. Wilson, he opened a private art school, Otago Art Academy. He moved to Auckland 1895, taught painting there, listed as Auckland artist 1911-14 Wise's. Exhibited: OAS from 1887; ASA 1896-1927; NZ and South Seas Ex Dunedin 1889-90; Auckland Industrial and Mining Ex 1898, St Louis Exposition 1904, 6 oils and a pastel. Represented in many galleries in New Zealand, and in Hocken.

Una Platts: 19th Century New Zealand Artists - A Guide and Handbook
