35. Peter Siddell 1935 - 2011
Western Gardens
Oil on canvas
66 x 102 cm
Signed & dated 1989
est. $60,000 - 80,000
Fetched $65,000
Relative Size: Western Gardens
Relative size


Western Garden was painted whilst Peter Siddell was living in Mount Eden. In this work the viewer is led along a lavender lined pathway to the front steps and porch of a villa. The sense of familiarity is further encouraged as we explore the intricately painted cottage garden of lilies, daisies and climbing roses. This well tended garden and neatly trimmed lawn convey a pride of ownership. From this homely front garden, bounded by a rockery, the viewer looks upon a distinctly Siddell landscape of suburban surrealism with Mt Roskill illuminated on the horizon line.

'I suppose that what I'm trying to do in my work is to create a world from my imagination which will be immediately accepted by others as real.'

Peter Siddell The Art of Peter Siddell, Godwit Publishing 2010

Sir Peter Siddell has long been recognized as one of New Zealand's leading realist artists. Auckland born Siddell was educated at Mount Albert Grammar School and the Auckland College of Education. He began painting professionally in 1972. In 1990 Siddell was made a Companion of the Queen's Service Order and was knighted in 2008, becoming the second only New Zealand artist to receive this honour.

Siddell's realist paintings are identified mainly with depictions of the environs of Auckland. While his works appear to be records of actual places, his paintings have a subjective component, and might be better described as imagined realism rather than truly realistic. The cityscapes and townscapes in Siddell's paintings are rendered empty, sometimes with the suggestion of events occurring outside the picture area. In this sense, his work may be compared to the metaphysical works of Giorgio de Chirico. In 1978 Siddell won the Air New Zealand Travel Award and the Benson & Hedges Supplementary Art Award.

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