Henryk Szydlowski
Bird Stalker in the Fancy Bow Tie
Oil on canvas
120 x 60 cm
Relative Size: Bird Stalker in the Fancy Bow Tie
Relative size

Of his work Henryk Szydlowski says: My philosophy in painting is to make my works as decorative as I can, to expose drawing (line) and use shapes in a surrealistic way. I call this decorative style Fantasy Surrealism. I am a storyteller creating my own theatre, using the puppets on the stage of my canvas. I am using symbols of real things but I am not a Symbolist and I'm not a Realist because I am placing these symbols in unreal places. I work strongly with the composition and I also use a combination of vibrant colours, gold/silver leaf and glazing. I like to give people the opportunity to experience happiness whilst viewing my works. All of the artist's intentions are fully realised in Bird Stalker in the Fancy Bow Tie - a painting embodying happiness.