The Wonderful Work of Ted Sherwen Mon, 09 May 2011

The Cathedral of Atrani, Positano Watercolour 55 x 75 cm
The Cathedral of Atrani, Positano Watercolour 55 x 75 cm

In the early 1950s Sherwen commenced a five year apprenticeship as a lithographic printer with Scottish publishers William Collins & Co. This was followed by three years at the Glasgow College of Printing. Those early years laid a sound foundation of training in the graphic arts, creating a critical awareness of colour and solid grounding in design.

Arriving in New Zealand in 1974, Sherwen worked in the printing industry but eventually devoted most of his time to watercolour painting. From 1978 to 1989 several trips were made to the United States to work and study with leading Californian watercolourist Rex Brandt (1914-2000). Today Sherwen passes on his knowledge and is acknowledged as a leading tutor in the art of watercolour.

Sherwen travels regularly, painting throughout Europe and the United Kingdom. He has exhibited consistently in New Zealand since 1987. Awards received include a Bronze Medal from the Glasgow College of Printing, Scotland, and the Williams Award for Painting & Drawing.

Sherwen continues to paint and tutor from his Auckland based studio.

Amalfi Summer, Positano Watercolour 54 x 74 cm
Amalfi Summer, Positano Watercolour 54 x 74 cm