Gabryel Harrison

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About Gabryel Harrison

Born in Tauranga, New Zealand in 1959 Gabryel Harrison lives in Vancouver, Canada where she completed a Fine Arts Degree at the University of Ottawa in 1980. Gabryel's study of Buddhism and meditation informs her artistic practice. Through her paintings she invites the viewer to slow down and perceive art as an object of contemplation and evidence of wonder.

Creating with translucent layers of oil paint, Gabryel occasionally uses touches of gold leaf - a symbolic reference to the transmutation of human consciousness. An element of spiritual alchemy is present in her work.

International Art Centre featured Gabryel Harrison as guest artist at the Fleurs Exhibition, 2011, thereby introducing her work to a very receptive New Zealand and international market. Gabryel enjoys representation in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

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